Performance data charts on the following pages are presented so that you may know what to expect from the airplane under various conditions, and also, to facilitate the planning of flights in detail and with reasonable accuracy. The data in the charts has been computed from actual flight tests with the airplane and engine in good condition and using average piloting techniques.

It should be noted that the performance information presented in the range and endurance profile charts allows for 45 minutes reserve fuel at the specified cruise power. Fuel flow data for cruise is based on the recommended lean mixture setting. Some indeterminate variables such as mixture leaning technique, fuel metering characteristics, engine and propeller condition, and air turbulence may account for variations of 10% or more in range and endurance. Therefore, it is important to utilize all available information to estimate the fuel required for the particular flight.


Performance data is presented in tabular or graphical form to illus trate the effect of different variables. Sufficiently detailed information is provided in the tables so that conservative values can be selected and used to determine the particular performance figure with reasonable accuracy.


The following sample flight problem utilizes information from the various charts to determine the predicted performance data for a typical flight. The following information is known:

Takeoff weight                             2600 Pounds
Usable fuel                                   44 Gallons

Field pressure altitude                   1500 Feet
Temperature                                 28 C (16 C above standard)
Wind component along runway     12 Knot Headwind
Field length                                   3500 Feet


Total distance                               425 Nautical Miles
Pressure altitude                           7500 Feet
Temperature                                16 C (16 C above standard)
Expected wind enroute                 10 Knot Headwind

Field pressure altitude                   2000 Feet
Temperature                                 25 C
Field length                                    3000 Feet


The takeoff distance chart, figure 5-4. should be consulted, keeping in mind that the distances shown are based on the short field technique. Conservative distances can be established by reading the chart at the next higher value of weight, altitude and temperature. For example, in this particular sample problem, the takeoff distance information presented for a weight of 2650 pounds. pressure altitude of 2000 feet and a temperature of 30 C should be used and results in the following:
Ground roll                                                     1410 Feet
Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle         2380 Feet

These distances are well within the available takeoff field length. However, a correction for the effect of wind may be made based on NoteS of the takeoff chart. The correction for a 12 knot headwind is:

This results in the following distances, corrected for wind:

Ground roll, zero wind             1410
Decrease in ground roll
(1410 feet 13%)                    - 183
Corrected ground roll             1227 Feet

Total distance to clear a
50-foot obstacle, zero wind     2380
Decrease in total distance
(2380 feet x 13%)                 - 309
Corrected total distance
to clear 50-foot obstacle         2071 Feet