Next: Longitude difference
Up: Geodesics on a spheroid
Previous: Geodesics on a spheroid
From Fig. 3 and Eqn. (17) we see that:
(18) |
and thus
(19) |
with the sign being that of
. We now substitute
, where
is the
arc-length along the great circle on the auxiliary sphere, measured
from where it crosses the equator in a Northerly direction, obtaining:
(20) |
. By expanding in a power
series in
and integrating term by term[3,5], we
in the form:
The distance between two points
, on a geodesic arc is best obtained, after differencing
Eqn. (21), by using the identity
, where
. This avoids excessive loss of
significant digits when the two points are close together.
Vincenty[5] has rearranged a subset of the resulting equations
nested forms more suitable for computation:
In equations (22) the origins of
been shifted from the equator to the initial point (
), where the reduced
latitude is
and the azimuth of the geodesic is
Next: Longitude difference
Up: Geodesics on a spheroid
Previous: Geodesics on a spheroid
Ed Williams